Board of Directors

SEEC’s Board of Directors is comprised of volunteers from the community, family members of people receiving SEEC services, and at least one person receiving SEEC supports. The Board meets quarterly to provide oversight for agency operations.

Executive Committee

Susan Mountford, President
Venus Jordan, President-Elect
Lisa Gaffney, Secretary
John Barpoulis, Treasurer

Karen J. Lee, CEO

Board Members

Lisa Benjamin
Katie Donahue
Jean Eisenhaur
Leslie Eure
Mo Fathelbab
Dr. Matt Hardwick
Seth Kaplan
Mandy Lam
Dr. Maristela Monteiro
Dianne Niedner
Patricia Sastoque
Robert Scott
Jed Seifert

Board Emeritus 

Lennie Gladstone
Leslie Kaplan
Teresa Kendrick
Arlene McCrehan
Alex Ratnofsky